Fall Is In The Air
It won’t be long before we can feel that crisp chill in the air that lets us know fall is here and it’s time to get our gardens ready for the cool season plants. As the summer perennials fade away this fall they let us know it’s time to divide the ones that have grown too large and have become overcrowded. Share them with your friends or transplant them throughout your garden. Fall is also the time to remove the spring annuals and replace them with fall annuals. Hutto’s has a great assortment of pansies, snap dragons, dusty miller, flowering kale and more to select from.
In our part of the country (zone 8a) fall flower bulbs, garlic, onions, are ready to be planted anytime between October and December. Many cool season vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, radishes, turnips, collard, etc. can begin to be planted in September and October for winter harvest. Hutto’s has packaged our cool season garden seeds and planted starter plants in six pack containers ready for your convenience. Come see what we are growing.
One question we are asked every year is when is the best time to apply winterizer to the lawn. Well, the best time to apply winterizer is when grass begins to slow down growing in the fall, while the grass is still green but, you’re not needing to mow your lawn as often. For us in Mississippi it’s between September and November, right before winter hits, at the earliest 6 to 8 weeks after the summer feeding. Hutto’s Winterizer 8-8-24 is a fertilizer blend that is perfect for extending the time our lawns are green while also protecting the roots throughout the winter. It can also be used around shrubs and applied this fall when you overseed your lawn with our low growing ryegrass that keeps your lawn green during the winter.
September to November is the ideal time to apply Hi-Yield Turf and Ornamental Weed and Grass Stopper with Dimension, which is a pre-emergent herbicide granule that prevents many types of broadleaf and grassy weeds like crabgrass and poa annua for up to 4 months. Dimension should be applied again in February or March to prevent spring weeds as well.
Pecan trees begin to shed their nuts in the fall. Harvesting pecan trees takes place from late September through November. Hutto’s offers the service of our pecan shellers that crack, shell, and air blow the pecans. We also buy and sell pecans. We offer delicious Mama Hutto’s Pecan Halves in 1lb bags and whole pecans in 1lb, 5lb, and 10lb bags. Hutto’s has several types of pecan gatherers and crackers to choose from to make harvesting your pecans as easy as possible. Let us help you with your pecans this fall.
Early fall is the time to prepare for the deer hunting season. Hutto’s blends several fall food plot options. Hutto’s All Grain Food Plot Mix consists of wheat, oats, and elbon rye, (cereal rye, not ryegrass). It provides the deer with the energy that’s necessary before the rut and winter stress period. They love the taste and the grains withstands the heavy foraging. Apply 50-100 pounds per acre.
Hutto’s Food Plot Mix is a high protein mixture of cereal grains, brassica, and legumes. It’s a 6 way blend with wheat, oats, elbon rye, Austrian winter peas, Crimson clover, foraging rape. It provides the nourishment whitetail deer require throughout the season. Apply 50-100 pounds per acre.
Hutto’s brassica blend food plot mix is called Hutto’s Deer Greens. It is a foraging turnip, foraging rape and kale mixture that provides lush forage to attract and hold deer in your plot from late fall and winter. Apply 5-10 pounds per acre. We have sugar beets available to mix with the brassicas or plant on their own. The sugar beet’s white roots are very attractive to deer and are highly digestible and provide good protein for the deer. They also forage the top of the beets. As the weather gets cooler the sugar content increases in the roots. Apply 8-10 pounds per acre.
Hutto’s offers ryegrass, rice bran, triple cleaned corn, mineral blocks as well as 13-13-13 fertilizer and pelletized lime to help with your growing needs.
We love when customers show us pictures. If you have any pictures of your garden or food plot or even a picture of that trophy buck please share them with us on our Facebook page.